Tag: wild
The RSPB’s Feed the Birds Day
Most of us take for granted the cheerful song of the many wild birds that frequent our gardens and fill the air with joy. Their presence is merely accepted as part of a daily routine. But when ...
Wild Bird Rehabilitation, Inc – Caring for Wild Birds
Wild Bird Rehabilitation, Inc. (“WBRâ€) is one of four similar institutions situated in the St. Louis municipal area that was created to care for wild birds. WRB was established in 1992 as a ...
Gardening Techniques to Attract Wild Birds
Do you enjoy observing the antics of wild birds as they chatter away to each other? Is a bird song in the morning like music to your ears? If the answer is yes, maybe you should consider ...
A Bird’s Life
How long can birds live in the wild? Anyone who has found a dead bird may wonder about their lifespan. Scientists have as well. For decades, they have been marking birds with numbered metal ...
Windows: A Fatal Attraction for Birds
Has a wild bird ever hit your window? Did you wonder if it survived? Well, these window-strikes are very common because birds simply do not see the glass. In certain light-conditions, the ...
Birds and Outdoor Cats
No bird-enthusiast likes it when their cat kills a wild bird. But they may be unaware just how harmful cats can be on bird populations. Many bird species are reduced in number, or have even ...
Bird Banding
Bird banding (also called bird ringing) is an important tool for bird research and studies. Scientists put numbered metal bands around a bird's leg, and keep track of where the birds are recaptured.
Who’s the Smartest Bird? – Birds.com
Which bird species is the most intelligent? Many researchers believe that the most intelligent birds are found in the Corvid family (ravens, crows, magpies and jays). These social birds show ...