Tag: osprey
Take a Stroll Through the Linda Loring Nature Foundation
Established in 1999 by Linda Loring, the Linda Loring Nature Foundation is a nonprofit organization focused on providing young people with the opportunity to enjoy and learn about various facets ...
Osprey History in the Making
The Kielder Water and Forest Park is located in England. It is not only home to the country’s biggest forest areas, but the largest man-made lake to be found in northern Europe. Its remote ...
Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)
The Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) is a well-known bird of prey throughout the world and amongst the largest in North America. Osprey populations decreased due to pesticide poisoning during the 1950s to the 1970s. Although their numbers improved after the ban of DDT, they remain on threatened species and endangered species lists in some localities. Ospreys […]
OspreyFest 2008 in New Mexico
Not many people will try to argue that the sight of a beautiful white and black osprey soaring through the air isn’t beautiful. These stunning birds of prey are widespread in many ...
Official Migratory Bird Havens Now Available in East End Parks
As part of efforts to boost the success rates of nesting birds in the region, some 2 140 acres of state parkland have been set aside on Long Island’s East End as a conservation area. ...
The San Diego Bird Festival
The 12th San Diego Bird Festival, sponsored by the San Diego Audubon Society, is set to take place from 6 February through to 11 February 2008. The venue for this popular birding festival is ...
Birding in the Remarkable Florida Everglades
The moment the word “Everglades†is spoken, many people imagine the dark waters of a marshland filled with alligators. However, even though alligators are at home in the Florida Everglades, ...