Tag: song
The Tale of Winston Perchhill – Part One
My name is Winston. Winston Perchhill. I am a happy member of a flock of three cockatiels, but it hasn’t always been like this. I would like to take you back to my earliest memories.
The Tale of Winston Perchhill – Part Two
After the passage of many years, this mostly tranquil, comfortable life was snatched away from me when my lady and I left our great mansion. I had done my best to get her to stay, greeting every ...
New Research into Bird Song
While zebra finch females utter single note, low-pitched calls, males have the ability to sing in a variety of frequencies, even producing a whistle that goes beyond a piano keyboard’s high end. ...
Gambel’s White-Crowned Sparrow Provides a Medical Breakthrough
There may be new hope on the horizon for sufferers of age related degenerative brain diseases such as Parkinson’s and dementia. This is thanks to a little song bird species known as ...
Gardening Techniques to Attract Wild Birds
Do you enjoy observing the antics of wild birds as they chatter away to each other? Is a bird song in the morning like music to your ears? If the answer is yes, maybe you should consider ...
Canaries: Popular Pets for 500 years
The male canary’s beautiful song has made it a wildly popular pet, around the world. Today’s domesticated canaries all descended from a wild species found in the Canary ...
Identifying Birds By Sound
Birds are very talented vocalists. They recognize each other over long distances and through thick shrubbery, using their voices. With a little practice, humans can also learn to recognize birds ...
Birdwatching: You know how to Whistle…don’t you?
Does whistling like a bird really attract birds? Or does it just make you look foolish? Does the bird understand when a facsimile is taking place? Does it think to itself how silly you look ...
So why do Birds really sing in the Fall?
Birds sing for a variety of reasons, and not all of these motivations are linked to displays of pleasure. As their primary form of communication, birds sing to greet one another, attract a ...