Tag: song

  • The Tale of Winston Perchhill – Part One

    My name is Winston. Winston Perchhill. I am a happy member of a flock of three cockatiels, but it hasn’t always been like this. I would like to take you back to my earliest memories.

  • The Tale of Winston Perchhill – Part Two

    After the passage of many years, this mostly tranquil, comfortable life was snatched away from me when my lady and I left our great mansion. I had done my best to get her to stay, greeting every ...

  • New Research into Bird Song

    While zebra finch females utter single note, low-pitched calls, males have the ability to sing in a variety of frequencies, even producing a whistle that goes beyond a piano keyboard’s high end. ...

  • Gambel’s White-Crowned Sparrow Provides a Medical Breakthrough

    There may be new hope on the horizon for sufferers of age related degenerative brain diseases such as Parkinson’s and dementia. This is thanks to a little song bird species known as ...

  • Gardening Techniques to Attract Wild Birds

    Do you enjoy observing the antics of wild birds as they chatter away to each other? Is a bird song in the morning like music to your ears? If the answer is yes, maybe you should consider ...

  • Canaries: Popular Pets for 500 years

    The male canary’s beautiful song has made it a wildly popular pet, around the world. Today’s domesticated canaries all descended from a wild species found in the Canary ...

  • Identifying Birds By Sound

    Birds are very talented vocalists. They recognize each other over long distances and through thick shrubbery, using their voices. With a little practice, humans can also learn to recognize birds ...

  • Birdwatching: You know how to Whistle…don’t you?

    Does whistling like a bird really attract birds? Or does it just make you look foolish? Does the bird understand when a facsimile is taking place? Does it think to itself how silly you look ...

  • So why do Birds really sing in the Fall?

    Birds sing for a variety of reasons, and not all of these motivations are linked to displays of pleasure. As their primary form of communication, birds sing to greet one another, attract a ...