Tag: bird feeders

  • Big Bird Mart 2012

    The Cajun Canary and Finch Club, Inc. is sponsoring a BIG BIRD MART on Saturday December 8, 2012, at the Jefferson Lions Club, 2920 Arlington Street, Jefferson, Louisiana...

  • Attracting Birds: Seed Preferences

    There is no better way to decorate your garden than with a collection of wild birds that bring color and song to the trees and landscaped areas. Luring a variety of birds to a garden is not ...

  • Feed the Birds Day 2009

    On the 24th and 25th of October 2009, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds will be trying to offer more than a hundred locations for bird enthusiasts to get together to take part in the ...

  • Attracting Birds

    Attracting birds to your garden can be a most rewarding activity, providing countless opportunities to enjoy bird watching in your own back yard. There is no need for a bird cage to gain pleasure from viewing and listening to these beautiful winged creatures. There are three basic requirements for attracting birds to your garden, namely: […]

  • Common Redpoll (Carduelis flammea)

    The Common Redpoll (Carduelis flammea) is a fairly small bird that is commonly found in open subarctic coniferous forest and scrub during the breeding season. In winter it favours open woodland, scrub, weedy fields and suburban areas. It generally avoids dense forests, and displays an irregular migratory pattern, migrating only every few years during the […]

  • Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis)

    Also known as the ‘Redbird’ the Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) is one of the most popular birds in the United States. Easily identified by its bright red coloring, this pretty little bird is a common sight on snow-covered bird feeders across most of eastern USA. Its range even extends as far as southeastern Canada, Mexico, […]

  • Tufted Titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor)

    The Tufted Titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor) is located in the eastern regions of the United States, but there are indications that the population is beginning to spread to the northern regions as well. Conservationists can only assume that the growing numbers in these regions is due to humans feeding the birds. The Tufted Titmouse frequents bird […]

  • Wild Birds

    Wild birds are found throughout the world. They vary in shapes and sizes from tiny finches to the majestic condors of America. Each species of wild bird is adapted to thrive in its own evironment. For example, hummingbirds are adapted to feed on nectar from tubular flowers, while eagles are adapted to prey on animals […]

  • Squirrel-proofing Bird Feeders

    Most bird lovers will put up a bird feeder in their garden hoping to attract a variety of wild birds to their immediate environment so that they can enjoy the curious antics of these delightful ...

  • Benefits of Project Wildbird

    In 2005 the board of directors of the Wild Bird Feeding Industry (WBFI) took the initiative to establish a not-for-profit foundation to undertake research relating to food and feeder ...