Tag: woodpecker
Amazing Memories of Hummingbirds
Flitting from one flower to the next, their long, narrow beaks perfectly adapted to reach seemingly inaccessible nectar, hummingbirds hover with their wings a blur, their iridescent feathers ...
Tropical Birding in January (Part 2)
The second half of the tour was spent in Tuxtepec, on the opposite slope of Oaxaca. We crossed over the Continental Divide, passing through humid montane forests with regular roadside stops to ...
Attracting Birds: Seed Preferences
There is no better way to decorate your garden than with a collection of wild birds that bring color and song to the trees and landscaped areas. Luring a variety of birds to a garden is not ...
Everglades Birding Festival
The Everglades Birding Festival is a fantastic opportunities for bird watching enthusiasts to explore the natural features of Cypress Swamps, beaches and Everglades prairies. Birds you may spot ...
Bird Species A - B
Bird Species A through B Acorn Woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus) African Fish Eagle (Haliaeetus vocifer) American Avocets (Recurvirostra americana) American Bittern (Botaurus lentiginosus) American Coot (Fulica americana) American Goldfinch (Carduelis tristis) American Kestrel (Falco sparverious) American Oystercatcher (Haematopus palliates) American White Pelican (Pelecanus ...
Bird watching in Thailand
Many bird watching enthusiasts have already discovered the magnificent opportunities that wait in Thailand. With almost a thousand bird species, Thailand is a treasure trove of birding ...
Acorn Woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus)
The Acorn Woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus) is a relatively common bird species found in habitats extending from Oregon, California and Western Mexico, right through to the highlands of Central America as well as the Colombian Andes. Described as having a clown-face, the Acorn Woodpecker is a very social creature, with groups living together in a complex […]
Endangered Bird Species on the Road to Recovery
Most people may not know much about the red cockaded woodpecker. Even if they have been fortunate enough to see one, they probably won’t know that these special little birds are a ...
A Look at the Intriguing Lives of Honeyguides
Honeyguides, also known as indicator birds or honeybirds, are a relatively small Old World family of near-passerine birds, related to woodpeckers and barbets. Honeyguides are entirely ...
The San Diego Bird Festival
The 12th San Diego Bird Festival, sponsored by the San Diego Audubon Society, is set to take place from 6 February through to 11 February 2008. The venue for this popular birding festival is ...