Tag: kestrel
Southeastern Kestrel Management on Fort Polk
In 1992, Fort Polk banded its first juvenile kestrels, which were from a nest located in an enlarged RCW cavity. The kestrel nest tree was within 100 feet of an RCW nest tree, which indicates that...
Southeastern American Kestrel in Louisiana
The American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) is the smallest member of the family Falconidae in North America. The American Kestrel can be identified by two distinct black streaks on each side of the ...
American Kestrel (Falco sparverious)
The American Kestrel (Falco sparverious) can be easily identified by its unique markings. They have a wingspan of 21 inches and measure 8.5 inches in length. The American Kestrel has a short, hooked beak, and the adult males have rust patches on their crown, tail, breast, back and nape. Their bellies are pale in color, […]
Falconry Part 2: The Basics
Most falconers would agree that the ancient art of falconry requires plenty of patience, perseverance and time. Training birds of prey (raptors) is a lengthy and complex process, but can be ...