Tag: identification
Kern River Valley Hummingbird Celebration
The 13th Annual Kern River Valley Hummingbird Celebration is a delightful day for bird enthusiasts. The day will involve learning about hummingbird feeder maintenance, a bird walk and nature ...
Identifying Birds
Bird watching involves identifying birds by their physical attributes as well as by their behavior. There are 9 points that can be used when identifying bird species – size, color, shape, bill (shape and color), leg (length and color), eye color, flight pattern, habitat and distribution. It is best to use a field guide for […]
Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)
The Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) is a well-known bird of prey throughout the world and amongst the largest in North America. Osprey populations decreased due to pesticide poisoning during the 1950s to the 1970s. Although their numbers improved after the ban of DDT, they remain on threatened species and endangered species lists in some localities. Ospreys […]
A Hint for Identifying Sandpipers
Sandpipers are familiar to most birdwatchers. Yet their identification can be very frustrating. Most sandpipers are feathered in browns or soft grays, and gather in flocks that contain many ...
Identifying Birds By Sound
Birds are very talented vocalists. They recognize each other over long distances and through thick shrubbery, using their voices. With a little practice, humans can also learn to recognize birds ...