Tag: florida

  • Bird Festival at Fairchild

    This exciting two-day event will include off-site birding field trips, lectures, bird walks with experts, info on using plants to attract birds, kiddies activities and much more...

  • Lake County Wings and Wildflowers Festival

    This three day celebration of local birds and their habitats has something for all ages...

  • Orlando Wetlands Festival 2013

    Join fellow birding and nature enthusiasts at the 13th annual Orlando Wetlands Festival where the Florida Native Plant Society will lead native plant identification hikes...

  • Space Coast Birding and Wildlife Festival 2013

    This exciting birding festival features a program of presentations offering up-to-date technical information, as well as birding and wildlife experiences...

  • Ding Darling Days 2012

    This week of eco-activities offers family fun galore. Free refuge tram tours, wildlife presentations, birding, kayaking...

  • Rescue and Rehabilitation at the Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary

    Established in 1971 by zoologist Ralph Heath, the Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary is the largest hospital and rehabilitation reserve for wild birds in the United States, and is considered to be one ...

  • Space Coast Birding & Wildlife Festival 2012

    The 15th Annual Space Coast Birding & Wildlife Festival will offer bird enthusiasts a full program of field trips, discussions, classroom presentations, workshops and more.

  • Everglades Birding Festival 2011

    Those attending the 2011 Everglades Birding Festival can look forward to a full program of events, including birding, workshops, tours, night hikes, and the opportunity to meet birding experts. ...

  • Space Coast Birding and Wildlife Festival 2011

    The 2011 Space Coast Birding and Wildlife Festival will feature a number of exciting events for birding enthusiasts. Included in the program are shows by The Raptor Project, socials, seminars ...

  • All Exotic Bird Expo in Orlando

    The Exotic Bird Society of America will be hosting an event in Orlando, Florida on 16 January 2011. An abundance of birds and bird related items will be available, along with interesting ...