Tag: everglades
Everglades Birding Festival 2013
The Everglades Birding Festival invites birders to journey through south Florida's moss-covered cypress swamps, everglades prairies and marshes in a search for a variety of spectacular birds...
Everglades Birding Festival 2011
Those attending the 2011 Everglades Birding Festival can look forward to a full program of events, including birding, workshops, tours, night hikes, and the opportunity to meet birding experts. ...
Everglades Birding Festival
The Everglades Birding Festival is a fantastic opportunities for bird watching enthusiasts to explore the natural features of Cypress Swamps, beaches and Everglades prairies. Birds you may spot ...
The Plight of the Endangered Snail Kite
The Florida Everglades offer a variety of habitats that are home to an amazing array of birds and wildlife. But, as is increasingly the case all over the world, man is encroaching on the ...
Birding in the Remarkable Florida Everglades
The moment the word “Everglades†is spoken, many people imagine the dark waters of a marshland filled with alligators. However, even though alligators are at home in the Florida Everglades, ...
Everglades BirdFest
Attention all bird lovers! An event that you cannot afford to miss! The Everglades BirdFest is a birding and ecology event taking place over three stimulating days at the Everglades National ...