Tag: communication

  • Bird Calls and Sounds

    It truly is amazing to wake up in the morning to the sound of birds twittering and chirping in the fresh dawn air. Bird calls are a language of their own and are carefully uttered to convey important messages. Bird sounds are a great form of communication as they can be heard even when the […]

  • Amazing Migration Survival Tactics

    Ongoing ornithological research continues to confirm what keen bird-watchers have suspected all along - their feathered friends are highly intelligent and adaptive, with an amazing array of ...

  • Amazing Songbird Communication Skills

    Keen birders have long appreciated the intelligence and communication skills of birds. Apart from the fact that birdsong is delightful to listen to, it is also an integral part of bird ...

  • African Grey Parrots – Challenging but Rewarding Pets

    Though the colors of other parrot species are more spectacular, the intelligence of the African Grey makes it one of the most popular parrot species when it comes to choosing a pet bird. The ...

  • Bird Brains Give Insight into Baby Babble

    Scientists who have been searching for insight into how the brain learns motor tasks have had a new breakthrough. By studying the brains of both adult and juvenile songbirds, it has now been ...

  • The Popular Sport of Pigeon Racing

    Pigeon racing is a form of sport that was derived from post pigeons, as the pigeon is one species of bird that has been domesticated by humans for hundreds of years. Their magnificent ability ...

  • Pigeon Mail Service

    Before the invention of telegrams, phones and email, homing pigeons were the swiftest way for humans to send messages.

  • So why do Birds really sing in the Fall?

    Birds sing for a variety of reasons, and not all of these motivations are linked to displays of pleasure. As their primary form of communication, birds sing to greet one another, attract a ...