Tag: canary

  • Pet Birds

    Owning a pet bird can be a lot of fun, but are also a big responsibility as they are totally dependent on their human owners. There are many species of pet birds and choosing the one best suited to you and your circumstances is very important. Parrots are often the first birds that spring to […]

  • Keeping an Outdoor Aviary

    Many bird enthusiasts around the world have found creating outdoor aviaries a truly rewarding experience. A variety of birds can be kept in an outdoor bird aviary and it is a great option if ...

  • Is Your Home’s Air Safe for Your Pet Bird?

    Birds are very sensitive to fumes in the air. Their excellent respiratory system (they need plenty of oxygen in order to fly) makes them very susceptible to poisons in the air. Even fumes you ...

  • Canaries: Popular Pets for 500 years

    The male canary’s beautiful song has made it a wildly popular pet, around the world. Today’s domesticated canaries all descended from a wild species found in the Canary ...