Tag: california
Mono Basin Bird Chautauqua 2013
Taking place on 14-16 June 2013, the Mono Basin Bird Chautauqua blends science, music, art and food into a spectacular annual three-day event...
Turtle Bay Bird Walk
This guided walk takes birders to Turtle Bay and Kutras Lake where there are a variety of waders, waterfowl, raptors, gulls and winter resident passerines...
Hawk Hill Field Trip
The Yolo Audubon Society is organizing a field trip to Marin County to check in on the annual Hawk Watch of the Golden Gate Raptor Observatory...
Big Chase Northern California 2012
Join the Yolo Audubon Society on September 29 for the Big Chase Northern California. Fall migration will be well underway and birders will have the opportunity of seeing many shorebirds, raptors ...
Pacific Flyway Migratory Birds Assisted by Rice Farmers
Following the introduction of rice as a food crop during the California gold rush, farmers reportedly battled to find the ideal growing conditions for decades before discovering the right ...
Kern River Valley Hummingbird Celebration
This free unhosted event is held at the Kern River Preserve. Features of the event include bird walks, bird feeding workshops, t-shirt sales and an information booth...
2012 Mono Basin Bird Chautauqua
Individuals attending the 2012 Mono Basin Bird Chautauqua have a fantastic program to look forward to. A number of exciting field trips have been organised in a variety of habitats. Interesting ...
Morro Bay Winter Bird Festival 2012
This will be the 16th time the Morro Bay Winter Bird Festival is taking place.
Rice Farmers Support Migratory Bird Habitat Initiative
Beginning this fall, and continuing through to 2014, rice farmers participating in the Migratory Bird Habitat Initiative (MBHI) will work with the Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS) ...
Sandhill Crane Festival
The festival schedule is made up of tours, workshops and the Sandhill Crane Festival Art show. Featured speakers for the event will be Dr. Richard Beilfuss (International Crane Foundation) and ...