Tag: britain

  • Birdsong Apps Pose Threat to Breeding

    Bird watching as a hobby has been traced back to the late-18th century as portrayed in the works of English naturalists and ornithologists Gilbert White, Thomas Bewick and George Montagu...

  • Hen Harrier to be Released into English Wilds

    The hen harrier is one of the most endangered birds of prey in Britain. Their numbers have fallen incredibly in England in the past, with just ten breeding pairs having been counted last year. ...

  • Common Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus)

    The Common Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) is a medium-sized bird that averages between 32 to 37 centimeters in length. The males have solid gray coloring over their heads, neck and wings. Their bellies are white with gray to black stripes, dark gray tail feathers and black eyes. Bills are pointed and black of color. The female […]

  • House Sparrow (Passer domesticus)

    The House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) is known the world over for its gregarious, lively behavior. A master of adaptation and great opportunist, this remarkable little bird has gone on to colonize countries the world over. Despite its longstanding relationship with urban man, House Sparrows have sadly been declining in numbers even being added to the […]

  • Common Bird Numbers Declining

    Previously birds such as the cuckoo, turtle dove and nightingale were thought to be amongst the world’s most common bird species. However it seems that even these birds are now at ...

  • Britain’s Bitterns Respond Positively to Conservation Efforts

    Considered to be on the brink of extinction in Britain just over a decade ago, the bittern has made a remarkable come-back, with the species enjoying its best recorded nesting season in the ...

  • Crossbills Acting Cross-Eyed

    It seems that a group of rare two-barred crossbills ‘looked’ at their internal compasses a little cross-eyed since they took a wrong turn and ended up in a remote, windswept outcrop ...

  • Razorbill Breaks Records

    It’s been an incredible 41 years since the razorbill chick was born and ringed and now it seems that a British razorbill is completely dominating previous bird age records. The ...

  • The National Birds of Prey Center in Gloucestershire

    The National Birds of Prey Center, located near Newent in Gloucestershire, is one of Britain’s premiere attractions and one of the top birds of prey centers in the United Kingdom. It ...

  • Pigeon Mail Service

    Before the invention of telegrams, phones and email, homing pigeons were the swiftest way for humans to send messages.