Tag: bald eagle

  • Education and Rehabilitation at Wild Wings Sanctuary

    With the goal of promoting environmental conservation through education, Wild Wings Inc. serves as a sanctuary and rehabilitation center focusing primarily on raptors, and offers educational ...

  • Wind Power Threat to Birds

    Every country around the world is looking for alternative energy sources that will not harm the environment, as conservation of our planet has been at the forefront of many political ...

  • 2011 Winter Wings Festival

    Organized by the Klamath Basin Audubon Society, the 2011 Winter Wings Festival will feature a fascinating schedule including field trips, workshops, lectures and more. Keynote speakers will ...

  • African Fish Eagle (Haliaeetus vocifer)

    The African Fish Eagle or as it is scientifically known, Haliaeetus vocifer, can be seen throughout Southern Africa and is known by many varieties of names, in many languages. This includes the River eagle, Aigle pecheur, Pygargue vocifer, Afrikaanse visarend and so on. This fairly large bird is related to the North American Bald Eagle […]

  • Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)

    The legendary Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) has long been a symbol of power, wisdom and beauty. Many of the Native American tribes chose to venerate the bird, while European settlers chose to make it the national symbol of the country. As it flies it makes use of thermal convection currents and other environmental factors to […]

  • Endangered Bird Species on the Road to Recovery

    Most people may not know much about the red cockaded woodpecker. Even if they have been fortunate enough to see one, they probably won’t know that these special little birds are a ...

  • Birding in the Remarkable Florida Everglades

    The moment the word “Everglades” is spoken, many people imagine the dark waters of a marshland filled with alligators. However, even though alligators are at home in the Florida Everglades, ...

  • Scrubfowl and their Spectacular Nests

    Some bird species build very large nests. The Bald Eagle, for instance, arranges sticks and branches into a giant platform weighing hundreds of pounds. One bald eagle nest that fell from a tree ...