Tag: amazon

  • Tropicana Bird Show 2010

    When in Las Vegas, birding enthusiasts should not miss out on the opportunity to see Meko, Mango, Mariah and Dorothy perform live, with bird trainer Tiana Carroll. This colorful and highly ...

  • Exotic Bird Fair 2009

    Jacksonville will once again come alive with color and exotic beauty at the 2009 Exotic Bird Fair which is being hosted by Amazon Exotics and Deviney Enterprises for the forth year running. Once ...

  • Purple Martin (Progne subis)

    The Purple Martin (Progne subis) is generally recognised as being the largest North American swallow. Its body measures about 20 cm in length and it has a wingspan of 39-41 cm. The Purple Martin is an incredibly acrobatic flyer. Today they are commonly found nesting in backyard birdhouses. The Purple Martin has been making use […]

  • A Brightly Colored and Lively Courtship Display

    Found in and around the Amazon basin in the Northern regions of South America, the male Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock never fails to impress. This fascinating bird sports an orange-colored fan-like ...

  • Bird Watching in Peru

    Bird watching in Peru is an unbeatable experience and one that will leave even the most seasoned bird watcher awestruck. Peru is the destination of choice for many international birders, and ...