Tag: bill

  • Bills Regulate Body Temperature

    On 20 July 2011 the research done by a team of scientists from the well-known Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center was published in the Ecography journal, and has revealed more insight into the use ...

  • Research into Alloanointing in Crested Auklets

    Crested auklets nest in large colonies on isolated island cliffs in Siberia and Alaska. These small black and grey seabirds have bright orange bills, with white facial feathers and a prominent ...

  • Selecting a Healthy Pet Bird

    Choosing a bird for a pet can be very satisfying and enjoyable but there are a few things you need to consider before making your final choice. We are going to look at how you as a new bird ...

  • A Hint for Identifying Sandpipers

    Sandpipers are familiar to most birdwatchers. Yet their identification can be very frustrating. Most sandpipers are feathered in browns or soft grays, and gather in flocks that contain many ...

  • Kauai’s hideouts for Hawaiian Honeycreepers

    Bird-watchers in the Hawaiian island of Kauai should visit the Alaka’i Swamp, or nearby Koke’e State Park. This high-elevation rain forest is one of the wettest places on ...

  • Amazing woodpecker tongues – Birds

    You'll often hear woodpeckers rattling their bills against trees. They're going after their favorite food: bugs hiding under the tree bark. The woodpeckers have some very specialized equipment ...